Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cereal Time!

Evie had her first bowl of rice cereal tonight. She did a great job and managed to get some of it in her tummy. And of course Mommy and Daddy documented the whole thing!

Here she is getting ready with her big girl spoon while Mommy mixes her cereal in the kitchen.

This little video is after she'd already had several bites and was starting to get the hang of it.

Yummy cereal!

Hey, Mama, this is new!

Whew, eating so much cereal is hard work.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


We've recently started playing peekaboo (or pee-pie as I call it) with Evie. She really gets a kick out of the little game. Here she is playing with Jay.

Hi, Daddy-

Where's did Daddy go?

Where's Daddy?

Peekaboo Pookie!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bouncing Baby Girl

One of Evie's favorite things right now is her jumper (thank you Mrs. McMillian!). Just since this weekend she's really figured out the jumping part. Before that she would just stand in it. But she's got the hang of it now! (Sorry for the poor quality of the video - I didn't realize how dark it would end up.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Six Months Old

As of Monday our little Evie is six months old! She has changed so much just in the last few weeks. She sits up really well by herself, loves to say "ba ba ba," has the biggest brightest smile on the planet, sleeps in her crib instead of in the pack-n-play, rolls over from back to front and front to back, has figured out how to "jump" in her johnny jumper, LOVES to swing in the front yard, and has moved into the next size of clothes. We'll find out on Friday at her doctor's appointment how much she's grown.

All of these pictures are from Monday.

Evie Sue loves her swing-

This is really fuzzy but I can tell it would have been such a good picture that I'm posting it anyway.

Sitting up with a little help from boppy.

She loves working those gums with her teething rings.

This is one of my favorite little faces she makes. She's right on the verge of telling me something important!

And to look back over the last six months:

Month To Month

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Ours was a very low key holiday since Evie came down with a cold on Friday and we've been looking after that all weekend. (And of course I have a stuffy nose now too!) But the Easter Bunny did make a stop at our house.

Here's her Easter basket - complete with two books, a funny duck, eggs, and her own bunny ears.

She's too cute dressed up in her bunny ears!

And here's her new trick - sitting up! She still needs a little help (that's why I'm sitting behind her taking the picture) but seems to be getting the hang of it. We just have to watch out for when she gets really excited and tries to dive bomb the floor for a toy.


Okay - I know I'm no expert but doesn't this look to you like she's really trying to crawl??

Friday, April 10, 2009


A couple of weekends ago Evie started to mimic Mommy and Daddy who were making raspberries to her. As you can see she got pretty close to making her own raspberries!